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Home :: Company :: Authorization


Ministry of Environment of Slovak Republic, based on a request of authorized person RISK CONSULT, Ltd., and upon fulfilment of the conditions specified in Article 16, paragraphs 3 and 4., extended the validity of authorization decision till August 11th, 2013.

Reference number of the authorization:006/2003/AUT - 6.3
Authorized person:RISK CONSULT, spol. s. r. o.
Start of authorization period:August 11th, 2003
Valid to:August 11th, 2013

Authorization by the Ministry of Environment for the performance of the following activities for a different operator:
  1. Risk assessment (Article 6),
  2. Elaboration and updating of the safety report (Article 9),
  3. Elaboration and updating of the emergency plan (Article 18),
  4. Consulting and advisory activities pursuant to subparagraphs (a) through (c).