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Work team

The RISK CONSULT team is a distinguished group of engineers, applied scientist and management consultant, who are widely recognised for their problem solving capabilities in the field of personal, operational and fire safety and risk assessment of power plants, chemical, petrochemical and gas technologies.

The team has gained experience with the plant and technology safety and risk assessment also within probabilistic safety assesment of NPP in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary.

Jan Kandrac

Ing. Ján Kandráč, CSc.
specialist in the field of preventing major industrial accidents
specialist in field of fire safety
tel/fax: +421 (2) 4446 0583
mobil: +421 (907) 723 616
email: jan.kandrac[at]riskconsult.sk

Ivan Zmajkovic

Ing. Marek Kandráč
specialist in the field of preventing major industrial accidents
tel/fax: +421 (2) 4446 0583
email: marek.kandrac[at]riskconsult.sk